Darkened Sun

Mercenary for hire

Keep it simple
~ constant Work In Process~


Mercenary Name: Darkened Sun
Age: Late 30s
Gender: Male
Race: Hellsguard Roegadyn
Height: 7'5 fulms
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
At first glance:
• Bald head, broad shoulders and a decent sized gut.
• Wears a rag around his head covering his left eye, where there is a visible scar across.
• Always keeps his axe nearby.
More to be learned through IC interactions


• Hiring him as a Mercenary or a Bodyguard
He is always looking for a job.
Maybe you got a quick job in mind, or perhaps you angered the wrong people and need someone to watch your back.
• Under his wing
He took a liking to an underdog youngling and took it to himself to make sure they make something out of their lives.
• Information Broker
Always looking for information that might be useful to him regarding one of his latest contracts.
• General Ul'dah Events
He has invested interests in the city and on the balance of power.
Both in high and low places.
• Retainer
He is looking to hire a retainer, to work as his laison towards new contracts or other groups of interesting people.
• You got an idea that is not listed here?
Always up to discuss new ideas and scenarios.
Do not be afraid to approach!


Name: Blansunn pyr Arvina
Birthplace: Bozja
Assignment: Ala Mhigo
• Feed the Empire information about the situation in Gyr Abania, under the cover of one of the Hellsguard Clan, known in the region.
• Should the region fall out of our control, he is to remain under the guise and continue to collect data on information that might facilitate towards the Empire's further expansion into Eorzea.
Current Status: Defector
• It is unclear of whether the defector holds positive or negative views towards the Empire.
• Defector is an asset and a skilled fighter and, as such, proceed with capture, but terminate if necessary.

Possible Hooks
• Recognized
You recognize this Roegadyn from his time with the Empire, or you dug deep enough to uncover his secret.
Are you a friend or a foe?

OOC & Contact

• New to Final Fantasy RP, excited to learn more about it.
• OOC ≠ IC.
• Always looking for friends. But not looking for OOC romance.
• Down for all types of Roleplay.
• I enjoy other content besides RP - if you want a content-buddy, let me know.
• Timezone: GMT+1
• Server: Mateus, Crystal
• Discord: .darkeon